Classic Country Road (15 grams)


A classic recipe, made with soy sauce, vinegar, and lots of spices.

Contains 15 g ℮ of beef jerky in a resealable package.

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Our drive home to West Virginia takes us through the mountains and wilderness on Interstate 64. Each time we stop to refuel, we pick up some locally made beef jerky; thin strips of beef covered with spices then dried or smoked. Thanks for coming with us.

This is a classic beef jerky recipe that we’re using to test the market here in Stuttgart, Germany. If you like it, please tell us!

Verzehrfertig. 100 g getrocknetes Rindfleisch werden aus 250 g Rindfleisch hergestellt. Hergestellt in Deutschland. Kühl und trocken lagern.


Rindfleisch, Sojasoße (Wasser, Sojabohnen, Salz, Weizenmehl, Konservierungsstoff: Kaliumsorbat), Wasser, Möhren, Apfelessig, Honig, Ingwer, Knoblauch, Senfkerne, Fenchelkerne, Zucker, Salz, Pfeffer, Zwiebeln.

beef jerky nutrition information

Additional information

Weight 0,03 kg
Dimensions 4 × 10 × 15 cm

salty, savory, almost home

Jerky weight

about 15 grams