The Peapod test kitchen has been cooking up a storm. After many months of experimenting, tasting, and refining, we’re ready to share a new line with you!
Over the next few weeks, we will introduce a spiced, crispy, delicious, chip-like snack made from green beans. They will be available in a few different flavors. One of my favorites is coated in coconut oil and then salted and spiced.

We worked hard to add this option to our lineup. It wasn’t easy finding a suitable vegetable and developing recipes which met all of the tough criteria.
One big obstacle was the seasonality of produce. Not only does price fluctuate a lot with season, but the quality of the product in the off-season is often far inferior to the quality in-season. Maybe in the summertime we will share some of our recipes with tomatoes and strawberries. In the wintertime they’re just not as delicious.
Another big obstacle was the handling of the produce. Cooking for family and friends is quite different from producing food at scale. We needed a vegetable which was production-friendly through all steps of preparation, from cleaning to dehydration to packaging. Green beans fared well.
We’re putting the finishing touches on packaging and labeling. You’ll find the green beans in our online store soon.