Lab Tests

James can confirm that one of my favorite activities is looking up ingredients and nutritional content of different foods. So when we sent our beef jerky to the lab for tests, I was delighted. The health department encourages food companies to get lab tests, but I didn’t need much persuading. I wanted to know exactly what was in our jerky.

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Expert in Playgrounds

Kiddo and I have spent the last few months indulging in playgrounds. At least that’s what Kiddo would tell you. We rode all the different U-bahn lines and all the best buses. At every destination, we played hard. 

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The Proof of Concept Phase Begins

Empty packages waiting to be filled

Peapod’s proof of concept phase has officially begun! We are now in full production mode with our first product, Classic Country Road Beef Jerky. For the next three months, September through November, we will be figuring out distribution and trying to test the market in Stuttgart.

Stay tuned for updates on our progress.